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                                              "Shinto and the Sacred:
        An Analysis of Its God-images through the Holotropic Paradigm,
Jungian Archetypes, and the Imago Dei of Contemporary Psychotherapy" 
                      in Spiritual Consciousness as Evolutionary Learning
                                                 (Routledge, in press)

   "Alchemy and Transformation, East and West:
           A Cross-cultural Analysis of Jungian                         Psychology and Tibetan Tantra"
(Presently under publication review, 2023)

               "Active Imagination in Psychotherapy"
 Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Springer, 2019)

     "The Primordial Mandalas of East and West: Jungian and Tibetan Buddhist Approaches to Healing and Transformation" 
NeuroQuantology (2016)

C. G. Jung and the Western Embrace of Tibetan Buddhism
Anchor Academic Publishing (2015)

                                "The Earth Goddess"
  Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Springer, 2019)
  "C. G. Jung, Tibetan Tantra, and the Great Goddess:
   An Exploration of Sacred Entities and Archetypes"
in Daimonic Imagination: Uncanny Intelligence
                           (Cambridge Scholars, 2013)
           "The Mandala in Jungian Depth Psychology
                         and Tibetan Buddhist Tantra" 
 Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Springer, 2019) 
       "Jung at the Foot of Mt. Kailash: A Transpersonal            Synthesis of Depth Psychology, Tibetan Tantra, and
           the Sacred Mythic Imagery of East and West"

International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (2011)

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